The article below is from Wellness resources Tocotrienol E: A Miracle of Mother Natrure
I wanna translate into Japanese and share with Japanese Kyani fan about Tocotrienol.
The only question a person might have after a thorough study of tocotrienol science would be, “Is there any health issue that tocotrienol E does not help?” The tocotrienol forms of vitamin E continue to be one of the most intensely researched nutrients in the world. Seldom has there been any nutrient with such an impressive array of health benefits.
Hardly a week passes without a new tocotrienol study of profound implications. For example, a July 2012 study shows that tocotrienol E can improve the tolerance to stress in immune cells from young or old individuals, indicating a significant anti-aging and health protecting impact on the immune system. Throughout life our immune cells are exposed to a variety of stressors that damage them and reduce their function. In younger people, this impairs an efficient immune response leading to increased risk for infection and cancer.
During aging, this issue is magnified due to the general increase in free radical damage associated with aging, combined with reduced repair capacity. The researchers used advanced proteomics to show that tocotrienol E turns on genes that directly offset the free radical damage, helping the cells maintain normal function. Tocotrienol E could do this in younger people’s cells as well as the immune cells of older people. This is a profound anti-aging benefit – any drug that could do this in a safe way would be an immediate blockbuster.
A June 2012 study shows that tocotrienol E helps to enhance the formation of red and white blood cells in your bones – a key aspect of the “fountain of youth” if you are to keep making the new kinds of cells your body needs in order to work properly. The researchers also exposed animals taking tocotrienol E to intense radiation designed to damage their bone marrow (the birthplace of red and white blood cells), which typically happens as an adverse side effect during cancer treatment.
The tocotrienol E protected the bone marrow from damage while actually turning on the house cleaning system (autophagy) to help clean up the cellular damage caused by the radiation so that the cells could survive in a healthy manner. The implications of this study for general health and for cancer treatment are profound. A number of earlier studies have shown that tocotrienols can protect against high levels of radiation that otherwise cause damage.
Other recent research shows that tocotrienol E stops the death of brain cells exposed to alcohol by modulating the key inflammatory gene signal within brain cells (NF-kappaB), stops excessive activity of osteoclasts that cause osteoporosis, and directly knocks out prostate cancer cells. The new studies continue to prove earlier research on tocotrienols involving alcohol toxicity, bone health, and prostate cancer – not to mention pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer.
It is utterly breathtaking to observe tocotrienol E’s scope of influence to protect human health and help cells live longer, while helping to knock out cancerous cells.
What Are Tocotrienols?
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